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Practice Tips: A Primer on Cross-Examination of Experts, 2nd Edition


Attorney Ted McNabola recently gave some practical tips to fellow attorneys on cross-examination of experts. In an article featured in Volume 15, Number 2 of Trial Journal (Summer 2013), Ted focuses on the groundwork, discipline, and persistence necessary to prepare for an expert’s discovery deposition and suggests methods to effectively structure cross-examination at trial. He also summarizes relevant Illinois law on expert testimony.

Here’s what Ted identified as crucial to adequate cross-examination preparation:

  • Consult with experts
  • Review previous testimony and publications
  • Study everything the expert has reviewed or generated
  • Know your case
  • Outline areas of inquiry for the deposition
  • Be persistent
  • Outline your cross-examination
  • Command the courtroom
  • Use pointed questions to undermine the expert’s qualifications
  • Create an impression
  • Avoid refreshing recollection
  • Save some ammunition for re-cross

Effective cross-examination of expert witnesses depends on thorough preparation and can determine whether your client will win, lose, or settle. If you have further questions on how to more effectively cross-examine expert witnesses, please contact McNabola & Associates, LLC.

Click here to view the full text of the article: Practice Tips: A Primer on Cross-Examination of Experts, 2nd Edition.
